I love October. With its schizophrenic weather, promise of kookiness the last couple of weeks, and the influx of candy, it’s a month full of funky fabulosity!

It gets my juices flowing. I want to drag out the Halloween decorations, light pumpkin pie scented candles and search Pinterest for fun treats the offspring and I can cook up together. It also gives you the perfect excuse to look for bulk party snacks that you can give away to trick or treaters, or no one will judge you if you decide to save them for yourself instead. And that’s why I truly love this time of year! Will I have an opportunity to dress up for Halloween? If so, what will I be? Gotta drum up something original. Not to mention something figure flattering (i.e. full-coverage, big and flowy). The fall party at school will be coming up. I could try to make those acorn candies I saw that mom post on FB. Or I could buy a cake pop maker and…

I’m exhausted and I haven’t even lifted a finger yet.

So what do I end up doing? None of it. It’s overwhelming. It’s too much. If you’re like me, you want it all and you want it now. But there’s too much to weed through. Besides, there’s the kitchen to clean, the clothes to fold, the school paperwork to go through, the bills to pay, exercise calling your name, the family to spend happy, fun, “relaxing” time with…

This is where many of us could stand to give ourselves a break.

Why is that so hard?

I had a big couple of weeks. Nothing to announce yet (although I have fingers, toes, teeth and you don’t even want to know what else crossed). After I completed a long and daunting task during those weeks, I decided to give myself a coupla days break. I swear, it’s been more stressful “taking it easy” than it was when I was staying up until 1:00 working on edits.

I can’t really relax, ever. And I know I can’t be the only one.

So how about we give ourselves a break. A REAL break. Let’s do one thing at a time. Let’s allow ourselves to relax when it’s time. It’s OKAY to sit down and watch a television show without guilt. I met up with a friend at the offspring’s game last weekend, and she was feeling guilty and selfish for having spent a few hours at the hairdresser getting a cut and color.

When did this happen to us? When did forget how to take a break?

So I just phoned the husband who is at the grocery store and asked him to pick up a pumpkin pie scented candle.

One thing off the list. I think I’ll take a rest now.

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