So excited for the release of this sweet picture book authored by my good friend Gina Kelley, or “Crazy Mrs. Kelley” as her theatre arts students call her.

The littlest monster is a story about learning that it’s ok to be different. Realizing, that if you follow your heart, you will find your own path to happiness. And knowing that where you find happiness, you’ll find friends who will like you just the way you are.

Hello, my sweet friend! And welcome to the blog. Tell us a little about yourself — who you are and what you write.

I like to write children’s books because there are certain things that I want kids to know. There are just some simple little things that I know at 46 that took a long time to learn in my life, like hey, “It’s ok to be different.” Snowflakes are all different, but each one is pretty cool. The same is true with flowers, raindrops and stars. I imagine, if I would have known this fact a little earlier in life, I might have saved myself lots of heartache.

The Littlest Monster is an inspiring story about finding your place in the world. What made you want to write about this subject?

It’s a basic human need. As humans we are pack animals. We instinctively search for a community to belong to, a family of like minds where we can be safe to be who we are. We all search for this.

What draws you to writing children’s books?

I am drawn to writing children’s books because of the simplicity of the communication. Kids say what they mean, straight out, in the most direct way possible. Childhood is a magic time where kids’ hearts and minds are completely open. It’s important that all kids of every race, creed, color or socioeconomic background get the right messages during this time. For me, understanding the simple concept that if you follow your heart to your happiness you’ll find a community there who will accept you, include you and love you just like you are, is an essential concept for impressionable, young minds. It sends the message that it’s okay to be who you are and follow your own dreams no matter what your situation may be.

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?

I had a stroke when I was five and grew up with a physical disability that helped form my psyche. It was hard to be different, but it’s better now.

The illustrations in this book are fantastic. How did you and Drew Pope come about collaborating on this project?

Every chapter in life happens for a reason. Drew and I worked together at a local design studio in Nashville many moons ago. We have crossed paths creatively more than once over the years in a very serendipitous kind of way. He was the first person who came to mind when I wanted someone to bring my written characters to life. We have a nice, fun connection. He’s easy to laugh and create with.

When you were small, what were some of your favorite picture books?

My VERY FAVORITE CHILDREN’S BOOK OF ALL IS OUT OF PRINT!!! I lost it many years ago and I am dying for a copy of it. It’s called THE THING IN DELORES’ PIANO by Robert Tallon. My second favorite is WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE by Maurice Sendak. But there are so many amazing, legendary children’s book authors out there. Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein are also favorites.

Are you currently working on any other picture books?

Working on a couple of ideas for the Littlest Monster’s next adventure.

Where does Littlest Monster get his hair done? How does he get his spikes to stand up?

Well, let’s just say that snake stew isn’t very tasty, but it’s good hair product.

Is there anything else you would like us to know about The Littlest Monster?

Just that I hope it gets to where it needs to go. I gave it to a High School student of mine who is struggling with life changing issues and decisions. I just want the message to find those that need to hear it, when they need to hear it.

The Littlest Monster is now available on Amazon 
And locally in Nashville at BookManBookWoman’s Books in Hillsboro Village.

“Crazy Mrs. Kelley” is the name affectionately given to the author by her students. Gina teaches Theatre Arts, directs high school theatre productions and is the Choral Director at Overton High School in Nashville Tennessee, the largest English as a second language school in the state. There are over forty languages spoken in the hallways of her school and hundreds of students who have relocated to the United States feeling very scared about being “different.” Gina is married to the love of her life and they have raised “three monsters of their own” along with two cats, two dogs and a garden full of organic vegetables.

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