Writers write. When I first saw that little quote, I thought, how stupid. Of course they do. Isn’t that the point? Until I became no longer inspired to write. Then I was all like, ah, I get it.
See, I don’t need to take one of those right brain left brain, Type A Type B tests to know that I’m a spreadsheet-loving, controlling, worrying, big ole ball of analytical. I actually think this helps me get stories finished. I can’t tell you how often people tell me that they’ve always wanted to write a book, or that they started one years ago but never finished. I have no doubt that these folks are likely more creative than I am.
But as a result of my Type A personality, I like to get shit done. Nothing feels better than to check something off my list. My husband won’t let me help with jobs like painting (except with taping off. I love to tape off. Who loves to tape off?) because I don’t want it done right, I just want it done.
So as a result, I come up with a story, start it, and I NEED to get it done. I’m a writer who writes…until I get stuck.
I recently had an incredible opportunity that I REALLY want to talk about, but I’ll just say, I wrote a story and turned it in, and ever since, I’ve been flummoxed. What do I do now? I could start on book two in that series but (insert 10 reasons why I shouldn’t do that), or I can finish up that YA that I got some fabulous professional advice about (is YA where my focus should be right now?), or I can freeze up and not write anything.
I’ll let you guess what I’ve done for the past month.
Until this week.
Out of the clear blue sky, a story came down from the heavens and knocked me upside the head, and off I went. I’m 12,000 words in and I Cant. Stop. Writing.
This is a blessing. I know this. I appreciate this. Inspiration has hit, and it’s a beautiful thing. But I know what it’s like when it doesn’t hit. I can’t even read a good book when inspiration is not hitting. I can do a lot of staring at my blank screen and feeling guilty. That’s about it.
So the moral here? I don’t freaking know. I just know I’m a writer who is finally now writing. Hallelujah!