Another spring break is in the books. The week off of work to hang with the offspring was spent mostly on bike rides (with no training wheels!), visiting with friends, eating pizza (shout out to Soulshine in Midtown, Nashville and Marco’s in Cool Springs), and WRITING! 

I’m not sure how much I’ve written, but we’ll call it a boatload. Even though there were days that I didn’t even touch my current manuscript there were other days where I wrote like a mad woman when the kid was on a play date or otherwise occupied (thank you, husband!). The reason being I had the opportunity, and I snatched it up.

I’ve heard other writers talk about needing a silent environment to write. I’ve heard others talk about how their optimum writing time is from 10:00 – 1:00 or 2:00 – 4:00 and they can’t understand how others can write late at night. But when you work a full-time job and have a kid, your writing time is whenever you have a two minute window to sit down and type out a sentence. I have a writer friend who sets his alarm for 4:00 in the morning so he can get his writing time in before work and panics if he snoozes until 4:30. Us part-time writers have to take every single opportunity that comes our way and make the most of even the shortest of writing sessions.

But the full-time job is a current, evil necessity. Tomorrow, I head back to the office, my Peach White Honest Tea in hand — because it’s the little things that get us through the day — and I put in my time for my standard paycheck until the glorious day arrives that I am able to actually make money doing what I love. I get one step closer every day. We won’t talk about how many steps are in front of me, but I know I’m far closer than I was when I started four years ago.

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